
"Soul to Soul"

“The art of reawakening your heart to love’s magic”




“The road to love isn’t difficult. 

It is the roadmap to your heart and soul. 

It is coming home to yourself.

Integrating your shadow, awakening your light and remembering how magical you truly are.”

Not sure how to do this?

No worries.

Watch my free masterclass

“3 secrets to attract a magical “Soul to Soul”


and quantum leap into LOVE

I am here to remind you that if you have this deep desire to love and be loved, it is because it is meant to be.

Free Masterclass

3 secrets to attract a magical "Soul to Soul" relationship

Who am I...

   I am Gabrielle Thil, a French relationships coach, founder of “Soul to Soul ” – the art of reawakening your heart to love’s magic.

I guide women feeling ready to awaken their sacred feminine energy and attract the love of their life, this deep “Soul to Soul” connection their heart yearns for.

I will remind you that a Love Path is a true spiritual healing journey  into the depths of yourself and I will show you how to  heal and unleash your wild, sacred and true Self so that you can finally love and be loved deeply.

My unique approach combines ancient sacred wisdom and energy work to help you heal old wounds at the root, reopen your heart and awaken the feminine and sensual woman within.

“While we can be aware of our patterns – on an intellectual level – until we begin to work with the raw energy, emotions and sensations of our bodies, we will not be able to sustain new ways of relating to ourselves and others.” 

How I can help you...

Relationships Blueprint Intensive Session

Get some life changing insights on your unique Love Path

1:1 Long Term Coaching "Soul to Soul"

Previous Masterclasses

Free ressources...

Free Masterclass

3 secrets to attract a magical “Soul to Soul” relationship

Free Guide

“7 essential keys to heal after a breakup”


“When I started to work with Gabrielle, my recent breakup had awakened so many fears within. I thought I would never be able to trust a man again. I was so afraid I would repeat the same story and be hurt. Gabrielle has cracked me wide open and help me release a lifetime of feeling unworthy. She guided me gently and compassionately to a place where I feel now deeply connected to myself, my body, my sensuality… with a true open heart, ready to give and receive love.”


“I was at a point in my life where I was feeling numb, disconnected from my body, heart and soul.  Through rituals and somatic activations, Gabrielle guided me on an extraordinary healing Self Love journey. I feel now attuned to my body, at peace with my story, alive and full of desires… with a deep inner knowing that love is meant for me.


“When I heard of Gabrielle I had been living on my own for two years.
I thought that I would heal with the time.
But I had to admit that time was not enough.
I am highly sensitive and Gabrielle helped me to process emotional experiences that I had pushed away and ignored for many years.
With each session, she met me where I was and taught me powerful tools to unlock and access stagnant parts of myself. She holds such a pure and beautiful space where I am able to feel safe to dive into the depth of my body and soul.”

From the blog...

Why does it take so long for women to let go of a past relationship?

Understanding vs embodying / Shift your Love Life from the inside out

What is the shadow feminine?

As seen on...

   Mujer Holistica  I   Thrive Global   I  Huffington Post   I   Flippity Flop  I  IHeartRadio  I The Self-Love Summit