
Wake up and change your life

As soon as I wake up in the morning, I usually sing Wahe Guru to myself. I have been doing this for months, ever since I read an interview with Yogi Bhajan about the importance of starting the day singing Wahe Guru. I don’t remember exactly what he said, but it went...

Press the brake or the accelerator?

Many years ago I had a teacher who always said “ We have two choices in life, the brake or the accelerator ”. We can run slowly along our path, stagnating in places we would rather not be, perhaps even filled with anger, jealousy, fear, desperation, guilt or spite. ...

Conscious communication

Imagine a world where everybody communicated harmoniously…A world where when people listen to each other “they feel intuitively and immediately what the other person feels, and understand what the other is saying”. That would be paradise, wouldn’t it? It could...