
Enjoy the winter – this hibernation time

Animals tend to adapt themselves to the cold in winter, spending much of their time resting. And we should also do the same… because our bodies really need it! Have you noticed that you feel more eager to stay cosy and warm at home? With the holidays behind us,...

Mind your habits

Do you know this phrase by Yogi Bhajan? “First you create your habits and then your habits create you.” Our habits can create our “caliber”. Most people want to be happy. But many fail, due to a lack of “caliber”. So lets observe our habits,...

The joy of the present moment

I imagine that you are familiar with this quote from LaoTsé: “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” Many spiritual traditions place emphasis on “living...

Love is appreciated

A few days ago, I came across a video on Facebook that really moved me. It began with an antique photo of a baby (a girl) in the arms of a nurse. A text explained that this three month old baby had been accidentally burned very seriously on her head and her hands. The...

Recognise that the other person is you

Every now and then, we might go through difficult moments or disagreements with our loved ones, our friends or our work colleagues. And when this happens, these situations can be intense and even very unpleasant. During those situations, whatever the reason for the...