
What is Kundalini Yoga?

aDiscovering Kundalini Yoga is like entering a magical forest where time becomes a very relative notion, where rationality and logic give way to intuition and where the mind surrenders to the soul. A little surprising, I know. At first, it surprised me too. Kundalini...

We lose 3 things in life

Yogi Bhajan, the teacher who brought Kundalini Yoga’s teachings to the West, once said: “We lose three things in life… flexibility, humility and compassion.” In referring to flexibility, he wasn’t only talking about physical flexibility, but the flexibility of the...

Wake up and change your life

As soon as I wake up in the morning, I usually sing Wahe Guru to myself. I have been doing this for months, ever since I read an interview with Yogi Bhajan about the importance of starting the day singing Wahe Guru. I don’t remember exactly what he said, but it went...

The videos are ready!

The videos are Ready! I have made all of these recordings with a lot of love, thinking of you. And I am so excited to send them to you now!   I hope that you enjoy them and they help you to practice – every day if possible!   I have recorded a brief introduction to...